
Showing posts from August, 2020

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THE UNI TED REPU BLIC OF TANZANI A TRAVEL ADVI SORY NO.5 OF 05 th AUGUS T, 2020 The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has been institutin g various preventiv e measure s with a goal to limit the spread of coronavirus in the country. After revie wing the current s ituation of COVID-19 infection in the country, we have ob served a decreasing trend of admitted COVID-19 cases as evidenced by the closure of COVID- 19 Isolation/Tr eatment Centres. Furthermo re, despit e the opening of public/private schools and resumption of sports acti vities, the situat ion has rem ained safe. H owever, t here i s a likelihood of importation of cas es from oth er countr ies. In view of this, the Government has slightly modified the Travel Advisory No. 4 of 20 th July, 2020 and come-up with version No 5, effective from 05 th August, 2020 to accommodate additional measures related to internati onal travel as follo...